Sunday, July 26, 2009


so im just going to ramble because i have so much on my mind... well me and mark are plannin on me moving to north carolina in march. well last night he started talkin about it sayin how he was worried about me and what not. well when he called me i just flat out told him i wasnt going to come if we both werent 100 percent into and i know that i am but he decides to tell me that he thinks we should wait. he says he is worried about me being up there by myself and not knowing anyone. he doesnt want me to blame him for makin my life hell. i told him i know the first few weeks are going to suck and its going to be hard but i want to do it and i feel like i can. so we are waiting and its going to be a few years and i will always wait for him but i dont know if i can go another two or so years with just phone calls and nothing else. i know this is selfish of me but it was his idea for me to move up there. not mine and now everything just feels likes its all going to come crashin down..

sorry just had to rant and ramble for a bit.


  1. I'm sorry hun. Living on phone calls is rough, I understand that. But you two know what is best and you will figure out the right thing in the end. Good luck.

  2. I know your pain. Right now Jon and my plan to be together doesn't take place for another 2 years once I am done with my bachelors. Phone calls and letters are always better than nothing though. It is always better to wait and be positive than to move to quickly. Think of it this way. The longer you can last apart the longer you can last together. Stay strong. I'm here if you need to talk to vent.

  3. i mean both are right. phone calls and letters are always better than nothin but i want to be with him so bad. its been almost a year that i've lasted with phone calls and text so i guess another two or so wont work. learn to love the time you get. :) yall dont know how greatful i am to have yall to vent to and have someone to listen who knows what i am goin through! :)
